Why Trez


Want a more comfortable and efficient way to a straighten your smile?

Trez MaxComfort is probably for you!

How does it work? MaxComfort aligners work by moving your teeth in steps or stages. Each week your teeth are getting closer to the straight teeth you've always wanted.  The results Trez can deliver are more comfortable and timesaving solution to straightening your smile.

But Wait...There's More to Tréz!
Completely Clear

You’ve probably noticed that many other aligners have visible lines in their aligners. That is a result of out-of-date manufacturing. Our state-of-the-art production process delivers totally transparent aligners.

Less Ugly Attachments

Leading providers use attachments that are bonded to your teeth...no fun! Because Trez covers more surface area, challenging tooth movements can be accomplished without the need of attachments.

Gum Coverage

Many published studies have shown that additional aligner coverage of the gums gives more control, a greater degree of leverage, increased retention, added comfort, and better results.

Doctor Directed Care

Trez authorized local dentists prescreen you and oversee your care to ensure the optimal results. Our doctors put your oral health first.